Friday, May 25, 2007

Up North...

nothing has come to mind to write in the last couple of weeks despite plenty of thoughts swirling around up here. I simply havent managed to make any of it really coherent or directional. i might start with a phrase, get nowhere, attain a certain level of frustration, then pick up my screen, scrunch it up and throw it in the bin. don't expect any direction here, but maybe some semi-coherent ramblings.

and this is where it has got me. I am back in Australia. When i arrived home, no one was there to pick me up. i caught a bus, then a train, then picked up my feet to walk the last kilometre to my empty house. once there i basked in the vast personal space of my home that i would shortly endeavour to clog up with luggage, clothes, letters from the mailbox, dishes, empty recyclables, and various other assortable phenomena.

lurking in the shadows of one of the smaller bedrooms, i discovered Chen the Chinese student boarder. truth be told, i did expect him to be around, but he had the habit, which i would later discover, of being either holed up in his room or being out. Like an electron which is simultaneously at different places until it is measured, i would not know where Chen was until i dared open the door to his room. But whatever, Chen has little significant place in this particular wayward story.

For the next week and a half I got back into soccer and found myself back at Choice, my old work, for a little pocket money. I also applied for a few jobs on the side and attempted to accost John Howard outside the Casino - more on that later. I have so far been unsuccessful in these two regards, although at least one of them is pending...

today i am in Townesville, QLD. after tracking my brother Omar up here to my sister and brother-in-laws place, i did decide to accept the pre-booked and paid for trip up North. Away from the suddenly dreary, wet and cold Melbourne up into the tropics. bbq's to make up for my missed aussie summer and some lessons in the local flora and fauna from my brother in law and his best man.

tomorrow maybe out to magnetic island. will give you some pics soon enough.



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