Tuesday, January 23, 2007


i was sitting there on the side of my hotel bed. upright with my back arched like a wrechted old man with a cane. yet i had no cane. however, i was peaceful. contently gazing into the glass at the bedside table which was fizzing. white bubbles frothed at the top of my glass as the liquid under it turned orange. the culprit: one formerly white vitamin c effevescent tab. the funny thing in this excercise in entropy was that i realised i was completely engaged in it. no excitement, just contentment... little did i know at the time but this was the most interesting occurence in my day and i was really at peace with myself - that or i was still high on medication.

so. how did i get this way? in fact, where the hell am i? well not to panic, im still in tunis. ive moved out of my host families house and i have been pretty damn sick the last few days.

it all started with the final exam at bourgiba school. it was much easier than the first exam but all four tests went from 9 in the morning until deep into hte afternoon. crazy. anyways, i wasnt feeling too good but dont let that stop hisham cos celebrations were in order to mark the end of 2 months of mental anguish and pain (arabic). and so he did.

the next day i was feeling worse but i thought id take advantage of the free tour down the coast and mosied on down to Hammamet. cut to the chase, i fainted in the hotel bathroom the next morning. i fell on my left bum cheek apparently (if not, brent has some explaining to do) and it still hurts to this day. just tahnk God i didnt fall any other way. doctor came... low blood pressure, espeicially when standing and a high fever (40.3 degrees). i was advised to get some tests done in a nearby clinic. did so, all good. just had to control the fever. after one night on paracetemol and a drip (which wasnt even working i flatlined (at 37 degrees buddy) and made my way back to tunis.

but that was only the start of it. the libya thing had to be postponed, my host mum was being difficult when i needed to some love and attention. couldnt do much about the libya thing cos my head was still spinning but had to leave home cos i just couldnt handle it. thats a story for another time.

and here i am in a hotel in the centre of town recovering at last and trying to plan libya, etc. will let you know how i go.


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