Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Hi there... whats your name? My ultimate goal is to become President of the United States of America. Subsequently, I thought this blog might be the best and first significant step in that direction... for obvious reasons. Also, a funky picture of my guitar taken by my new fandangled DSLR camera should nicely fit as a warm introduction to what could well be a detailed blogspot or an old forgotten project I once aspired to maintain.
Seeing as writing is my prefferred medium - those who know me can attest to the fact that my brain is prone to malfunctions of sorts when attempting to communicate person to person - I will try to post some interesting facts, stories and philiosophies as I go on my way. Things to look ahead to...
1. I may well be pointlessly brushing my teeth before lunch again - well i won't now that i've pointed it out.
2. I will be then be going to school (uni)
3. In November i will be travelling to Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.
So if nothing else, i will probably have some quarter to half-decent photos on here after that.